Getting to know faculty.

Today i want introducation about my progromme we call MC 111 . Many people do not know how this progromme is organised.

They just know this programme just same like masscom 110 or we just call Mc 110. But, I Sure this programme is very very different like what you guys thinking about.

This programme we just learn about how to make web,to do animation and make a lots game. I can say this programme is so different what you guys think, right.IMG-20180803-WA0026

Puan Aini Faezah Ramlah is a head study center or KPP for short .She is head hencho for this faculty.


Next, we have a Faculty coordinator for this faculty . He is Rusyadi Mohammad Kamal.


Then, we has a lovely and pretty lecture in this programme. She is Puan Nuraazura Durani . She is a coordinator of MC 111.

This is organisation chart for my faculty.


We have Puan siti Hajar Abdul Aziz as Key management for this programme.

This is the facility that is located in my place.

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